carpet stains

How to Get Pet Stains Out of a Carpet

Pets are man’s best friends. They can be great company or in the case of dogs, efficient bodyguards. Pets have also been associated with therapeutic functions for their friendly and comforting characteristics. Despite their great qualities, these friends can leave you confused about how to get pet stains out of a carpet. But why would this be the case? […]

2020-01-26T14:13:06+00:00August 27th, 2019|Categories: Carpet Cleaning Tips|Tags: , , , |

How to Get Coffee Stains Out of a Carpet

As with all other stains, coffee stains become harder to remove if left for a longer time on your carpet. We may not always stop to think about what the delicious morning cup of coffee achieves once we introduce it to our body, but we certainly can’t ignore the outcome of spilling the contents of your coffee mug on your carpet, and heaven forbid that your carpet should be light-coloured! […]

2020-05-26T12:17:14+00:00August 22nd, 2019|Categories: Carpet Cleaning Tips|Tags: , , |

How to Get Blood Stains Out of a Carpet

Carpeting your home has practical and aesthetic functions. A carpet has an insulation role, can protect from slips, and adds to your home décor. Any décor achieves its ornamental purpose when well maintained to preserve its decorative expression. If a decorative object is not well maintained, it can lose its original purpose and achieve a contradictory effect. For example, a picture frame covered in dust will lose its attractiveness just as a carpet filled with stains loses its appeal. [...]

2020-01-26T14:09:13+00:00August 17th, 2019|Categories: Carpet Cleaning Tips|Tags: , , |

How to Get Old Stains Out of a Carpet

Carpet stains are a common occurrence in our homes, especially if there is considerable traffic on the carpeting. Carpet stains might be caused by children playing, a coffee spill during an afternoon snack with friends or pet urine among others. In any of these cases, we will wonder how to get old stains out of a carpet. Commonplace has it that older stains are stubborn and difficult to clean. Hearing that diminishes our hope of getting rid of the stain. [...]

2020-01-26T14:01:01+00:00August 12th, 2019|Categories: Carpet Cleaning Tips|Tags: , , |

Easy Carpet Cleaning Tips

The beauty of carpets is a feature we must protect since it enhances the general appearance of your house. However, regardless of how one is careful, staining the carpet is quite unavoidable. Once the carpet has been installed, it experiences daily traffic subjecting it to bad odour and stains. Removing such stains and odours may be daunting if you have no tips on how to go about it. The key is to carefully clean the [...]

2020-05-26T12:13:50+00:00December 24th, 2018|Categories: Carpet Cleaning Tips|Tags: |
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